Move all Files from Subfolders to Main Folder


"I'd like to work with a number of .sav files but they are scattered over different folders. All file names are unique. Is there any easy way to search through a number of folders for .sav files and move these into some root directory?"

SPSS Python Syntax Example

*1. Create random test folders and files.

begin program.
rdir = 'd:/temp' # Specify (empty) test folder.
import spss
for cnt,sdir in enumerate(['','f1','f2','f1/f1_1','f1/f1_2','f1/f1_2/f1_2_1']):
    tdir = os.path.join(rdir,sdir)
    if not os.path.exists(tdir):
    spss.Submit('data list free/id.\nbegin data\n1\nend data.\nsav out "%s".'%(tdir + '/file_' + str(cnt) + '.sav'))
spss.Submit('new fil.')
end program.

*2. Move all .sav files from subfolders into root directory.

begin program.
rdir = 'd:/temp' # Specify root directory to be searched for .sav files.
filelist = []
for tree,fol,fils in os.walk(rdir):
    filelist.extend([os.path.join(tree,fil) for fil in fils if fil.endswith('.sav')])
for fil in filelist:
    os.rename(fil,os.path.join(rdir,fil[fil.rfind('\\') + 1:]))
end program.


What if File Names aren't Unique?

"I can't simply move all files into a single folder because their file names are not unique. I can't have two files with identical names in a single folder. In order to solve this, I'd like to assign unique prefixes to all filenames. How can I do that?"

SPSS Python Syntax Example

begin program.
rdir = 'd:/temp' #Please specify root directory to be searched for .sav files.
filelist = []
for tree,fol,fils in os.walk(rdir):
    filelist.extend([os.path.join(tree,fil) for fil in fils if fil.endswith('.sav')])
for cnt,fil in enumerate(filelist):
    os.rename(fil,os.path.join(rdir,str(cnt + 1).zfill(2) + '_' + fil[fil.rfind('\\') + 1:]))
end program.

Delete Everything in Root Directory Except Data Files

"The .sav files were the only thing I needed from the root directory. Is there an easy way to delete everything else?"

SPSS Python Syntax Example

*1. Optionally: delete everything in root directory except .sav files.

begin program.
rdir = 'd:/temp' # Specify root directory.
import shutil
for tree in [path for path in os.listdir(rdir) if not path.endswith('.sav')]:
end program.

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