Categorical variables can't readily be used as predictors in regression analysis; they must be split up into dichotomous variables known as “dummy variables”.
This tutorial offers a super easy tool for creating these.
"I'd like to mean center a lot of variables in order to compute interaction terms for a regression analysis. Is there an easy way to do this for many variables simultaneously?"
This simple SPSS tool creates one, many or all scatterplots among a set of variables.
Optionally, it adds (non)linear fit lines and regression tables as well.
This tutorials presents a super simple tool for
over value labels and/or variable labels.
This tutorial presents a simple tool for recoding values along with their value labels into different values.
Some SPSS commands such as RECODE and ALTER TYPE can make irreversible changes to variables.
Before doing so, I like to make exact clones of the variables I'll modify. This tutorial presents a super easy tool for doing just that.
Simple, menu based tool for running SPSS VARSTOCASES while retaining variable labels of input variables. Comes in very handy for creating nice charts and tables.
SPSS doesn't offer an easy way to set decimal places for output tables. This tutorial proposes a very simple tool for setting decimal places in basic output tables after they've been produced.
The SPSS Set Chart Sizes Tool sets exact chart sizes for one or many charts in the output window. Freely downloadable with simple dialog window.
This tutorial presents a simple, menu based tool for computing confidence intervals for Pearson correlations given their sample sizes.
Since the tool does not require raw data, it can be used for correlations obtained from SPSS, other software or even journal articles.
SPSS Z-Test and Confidence Intervals for 2 Independent Proportions Tool. Freely downloadable and easy to use from the menu.
This z-test compares separate sample proportions to a hypothesized population proportion. This tool is freely downloadable and super easy to use.