- Method I - Histograms
- Excluding Outliers from Data
- Method II - Boxplots
- Method III - Z-Scores (with Reporting)
- Method III - Z-Scores (without Reporting)
Outliers are basically values that fall outside of a normal range for some variable. But what's a “normal range”? This is subjective and may depend on substantive knowledge and prior research. Alternatively, there's some rules of thumb as well. These are less subjective but don't always result in better decisions as we're about to see.
In any case: we usually want to exclude outliers from data analysis. So how to do so in SPSS? We'll walk you through 3 methods, using life-choices.sav, partly shown below.
In this tutorial, we'll find outliers for these reaction time variables.During this tutorial, we'll focus exclusively on reac01 to reac05, the reaction times in milliseconds for 5 choice trials offered to the respondents.
Method I - Histograms
Let's first try to identify outliers by running some quick histograms over our 5 reaction time variables. Doing so from SPSS’ menu is discussed in Creating Histograms in SPSS. A faster option, though, is running the syntax below.
frequencies reac01 to reac05
Let's take a good look at the first of our 5 histograms shown below.
The “normal range” for this variable seems to run from 500 through 1500 ms. It seems that 3 scores lie outside this range. So are these outliers? Honestly, different analysts will make different decisions here. Personally, I'd settle for only excluding the score ≥ 2000 ms. So what's the right way to do so? And what about the other variables?
Excluding Outliers from Data
The right way to exclude outliers from data analysis is to specify them as user missing values. So for reaction time 1 (reac01), running missing values reac01 (2000 thru hi). excludes reaction times of 2000 ms and higher from all data analyses and editing. So what about the other 4 variables?
The histograms for reac02 and reac03 don't show any outliers.
For reac04, we see some low outliers as well as a high outlier. We can find which values these are in the bottom and top of its frequency distribution as shown below.
If we see any outliers in a histogram, we may look up the exact values in the corresponding frequency table.We can exclude all of these outliers in one go by running missing values reac04 (lo thru 400,2085). By the way: “lo thru 400” means the lowest value in this variable (its minimum) through 400 ms.
For reac05, we see several low and high outliers. The obvious thing to do seems to run something like missing values reac05 (lo thru 400,2000 thru hi). But sadly, this only triggers the following error:
>There are too many values specified.
>The limit is three individual values or
>one value and one range of values.
>Execution of this command stops.
The problem here is that
you can't specify a low and a high
range of missing values in SPSS.
Since this is what you typically need to do, this is one of the biggest stupidities still found in SPSS today. A workaround for this problem is to
- RECODE the entire low range into some huge value such as 999999999;
- add the original values to a value label for this value;
- specify only a high range of missing values that includes 999999999.
The syntax below does just that and reruns our histograms to check if all outliers have indeed been correctly excluded.
recode reac05 (lo thru 400 = 999999999).
*Add value label to 999999999.
add value labels reac05 999999999 '(Recoded from 95 / 113 / 397 ms)'.
*Set range of high missing values.
missing values reac05 (2000 thru hi).
*Rerun frequency tables after excluding outliers.
frequencies reac01 to reac05
First off, note that none of our 5 histograms show any outliers anymore; they're now excluded from all data analysis and editing. Also note the bottom of the frequency table for reac05 shown below.
Low outliers after recoding and labelling are listed under Missing.Even though we had to recode some values, we can still report precisely which outliers we excluded for this variable due to our value label.
Before proceeding to boxplots, I'd like to mention 2 worst practices for excluding outliers:
- removing outliers by changing them into system missing values. After doing so, we no longer know which outliers we excluded. Also, we're clueless why values are system missing as they don't have any value labels.
- removing entire cases -often respondents- because they have 1(+) outliers. Such cases typically have mostly “normal” data values that we can use just fine for analyzing other (sets of) variables.
Sadly, supervisors sometimes force their students to take this road anyway. If so, SELECT IF permanently removes entire cases from your data.
Method II - Boxplots
If you ran the previous examples, you need to close and reopen life-choices.sav before proceeding with our second method.
We'll create a boxplot as discussed in Creating Boxplots in SPSS - Quick Guide: we first navigate to as shown below.
Next, we'll fill in the dialogs as shown below.
Completing these steps results in the syntax below. Let's run it.
EXAMINE VARIABLES=reac01 reac02 reac03 reac04 reac05
Quick note: if you're not sure about interpreting boxplots, read up on Boxplots - Beginners Tutorial first.
Our boxplot indicates some potential outliers for all 5 variables. But let's just ignore these and exclude only the extreme values that are observed for reac01, reac04 and reac05.
So, precisely which values should we exclude? We find them in the Extreme Values table. I like to copy-paste this into Excel. Now we can easily boldface all values that are extreme values according to our boxplot.
Copy-pasting the Extreme Values table into Excel allows you to easily boldface the exact outliers that we'll exclude.Finally, we set these extreme values as user missing values with the syntax below. For a step-by-step explanation of this routine, look up Excluding Outliers from Data.
recode reac05 (lo thru 113 = 999999999).
*Label new value with original values.
add value labels reac05 999999999 '(Recoded from 95 / 113 ms)'.
*Set (ranges of) missing values for reac01, reac04 and reac05.
missing values
reac01 (2065)
reac04 (17,2085)
reac05 (1647 thru hi).
*Rerun boxplot and check if all extreme values are gone.
EXAMINE VARIABLES=reac01 reac02 reac03 reac04 reac05
Method III - Z-Scores (with Reporting)
A common approach to excluding outliers is to look up which values correspond to high z-scores. Again, there's different rules of thumb which z-scores should be considered outliers. Today, we settle for |z| ≥ 3.29 indicates an outlier. The basic idea here is that if a variable is perfectly normally distributed, then only 0.1% of its values will fall outside this range.
So what's the best way to do this in SPSS? Well, the first 2 steps are super simple:
- we add z-scores for all relevant variables to our data and
- see if their minima or maxima meet |z| ≥ 3.29.
Funnily, both steps are best done with a simple DESCRIPTIVES command as shown below.
descriptives reac01 to reac05
*Check min and max for z-scores.
descriptives zreac01 to zreac05.
Minima and maxima for our newly computed z-scores.Basic conclusions from this table are that
- reac01 has at least 1 high outlier;
- reac02 and reac03 don't have any outliers;
- reac04 and reac05 both have at least 1 low and 1 high outlier.
But which original values correspond to these high absolute z-scores? For each variable, we can run 2 simple steps:
- FILTER away cases having |z| < 3.29 (all non outliers);
- run a frequency table -now containing only outliers- on the original variable.
The syntax below does just that but uses TEMPORARY and SELECT IF for filtering out non outliers.
select if(abs(zreac01) >= 3.29).
frequencies reac01.
select if(abs(zreac04) >= 3.29).
frequencies reac04.
select if(abs(zreac05) >= 3.29).
frequencies reac05.
*Save output because tables needed for reporting which outliers are excluded.
output save outfile = 'outlier-tables-01.spv'.
Finding outliers by filtering out all non outliers based on their z-scores.Note that each frequency table only contains a handful of outliers for which |z| ≥ 3.29. We'll now exclude these values from all data analyses and editing with the syntax below. For a detailed explanation of these steps, see Excluding Outliers from Data.
recode reac04 (lo thru 107 = 999999999).
recode reac05 (lo thru 113 = 999999999).
*Label new values with original values.
add value labels reac04 999999999 '(Recoded from 17 / 107 ms)'.
add value labels reac05 999999999 '(Recoded from 95 / 113 ms)'.
*Set (ranges of) missing values for reac01, reac04 and reac05.
missing values
reac01 (1659 thru hi)
reac04 (1601 thru hi )
reac05 (1776 thru hi).
*Check if all outliers are indeed user missing values now.
select if(abs(zreac01) >= 3.29).
frequencies reac01.
select if(abs(zreac04) >= 3.29).
frequencies reac04.
select if(abs(zreac05) >= 3.29).
frequencies reac05.
Method III - Z-Scores (without Reporting)
We can greatly speed up the z-score approach we just discussed but this comes at a price: we won't be able to report precisely which outliers we excluded. If that's ok with you, the syntax below almost fully automates the job.
descriptives reac01 to reac05
*Recode original values into 999999999 if z-score >= 3.29.
do repeat #ori = reac01 to reac05 / #z = zreac01 to zreac05.
if(abs(#z) >= 3.29) #ori = 999999999.
end repeat print.
*Add value labels.
add value labels reac01 to reac05 999999999 '(Excluded because |z| >= 3.29)'.
*Set missing values.
missing values reac01 to reac05 (999999999).
*Check how many outliers were exluded.
frequencies reac01 to reac05.
The frequency table below tells us that 4 outliers having |z| ≥ 3.29 were excluded for reac04.
Under Missing we see the number of excluded outliers but not the exact values.Sadly, we're no longer able to tell precisely which original values these correspond to.
Final Notes
Thus far, I deliberately avoided the discussion precisely which values should be considered outliers for our data. I feel that simply making a decision and being fully explicit about it is more constructive than endless debate.
I therefore blindly followed some rules of thumb for the boxplot and z-score approaches. As I warned earlier, these don't always result in good decisions: for the data at hand, reaction times below some 500 ms can't be taken seriously. However, the rules of thumb don't always exclude these.
As for most of data analysis, using common sense is usually a better idea...
Thanks for reading!
By Ruben Geert van den Berg on October 9th, 2021
Hi Javier!
There's no simple answer to that. Which is why this tutorial blindly follows rules of thumb rather than discuss them.
In any case, if you work in a commercial company, you probably have some more freedom to use your own judgment. In this case, I'd combine histograms with what you know (or can look up) about tourist spend.
You can also compare outlier values on one variable with scores on other variables:
somebody spending $1,000 on a hotel room would be more credible for somebody spending $200,- on dinner than somebody spending $25,- on dinner, right? You could run
and then visually inspect the top rows.
Hope that helps!
SPSS tutorials
By Jon K Peck on October 9th, 2021
I was referring to regular dialogs that have both Paste and Run options.
By Jon K Peck on December 12th, 2022
I strongly disagree that outliers should be indicated by marking them as missing values. That confuses two different concepts. Furthermore, this makes it tempting to assign specific values as missing because they are outliers, but for scale variables that have a fractional part, one would have to get the exact, full-precision value to assign it as an outlier, and users are likely to make a mistake with that.
Outliers are outliers in the context of a particular sample definition, so a value may be an outlier in one subset of the data but not another that also includes it, so outlier is not always a static state. Missing value definitions, though, are static. The EXAMINE procedure can report extreme values for subgroups of the data.
The right way to exclude outliers is via sample definitions, which are much more flexible than missing value definitions.
While univariate inspection as described in this post is useful, multivariate outliers are important but more difficult to detect. The DETECTANOMALY procedure (Data > Identify Unusual Cases) provides a good way to identify those. TWOSTEP CLUSTER and the STATS DBSCAN extension command can also be useful here.
Finally, I would point out the STATS BAGPLOT (Graphs > Bagplot) extension command provides a nice way to picture outliers in more than two dimensions. It generalizes the boxplot and can show outliers in two-dimensional pairs of scale variables.
By Ruben Geert van den Berg on December 13th, 2022
Sorry but I don't agree.
In my opinion, user missing values are simply values you'd like to exclude from you analyses without removing them from your data. I therefore think they're perfectly suitable for excluding outliers. I should add that I sometimes exclude entire cases with FILTER or SELECT CASES if they have too many (user or system) missing values.
I think a value being an outlier in one context but not in another is a theoretical possibility that very rarely occurs in real-life research.
Even if it does occur, you could unset/reset user missing values between contexts, possibly with
MISSING VALUES ... or even
As for the fractional parts, (... THRU HI) circumvents the need for exact specification. Theoretically, this may not always be what you need but I think that's really only a theoretical risk.
Personally, I find "multivariate outliers" hard to sell. I think the standard literature proposes to inspect Mahalanobis distances added to the data via REGRESSION. This has the advantage that the formula -and thus the justification for exclusion- is reasonably understandable for non technical clients too.
I hadn't really thought about the suggestions you're proposing. They sound pretty interesting so I'll look into them some time soon.
By Jon K Peck on December 13th, 2022
User missing values might just be random errors - MCAR - but their nature may be relevant for analysis as there may be different reasons for them: NA, refused to answer, e.g., and that may need to enter into the analysis.
The missing value tools in Statistics are useful in understanding the ways in which the observed data might not represent the population to which the analyst want to generalize, so contaminating them with outliers confuses the issue.